We are sure that you love traveling as much as we do. Save the brightest moments of your travels with the help of our map: attach pins and photos to the map to make it more personalized.

Install the map together
A wooden world map is a fantastic way to bond with loved ones. Building it together fosters teamwork, while its tactile nature encourages meaningful conversations about travel and adventure, creating lasting memories.
Use pins for different goals
It's not just a map, but it’s a kind of visualization of your travels and a keeping of the best moments.

Bringing the World to Your Walls
Decorative Wooden Maps for Adventurers at Heart!

All in one box
This box includes step-by-step installation instructions, templates to ensure the correct distance between pieces, and puzzle-like pieces to attach together. Additionally, it contains craft packages specifically designed for small islands.

Choose the size of your map
We have developed four sizes of our maps:
M: 100 cm x 60 cm (39”x24"")
L: 150 cm x 90 cm (59”x35"")
XL: 200 cm x 120 cm (79”x47"")
2XL: 300 cm x 170 cm (118”x70’’)
Maps types
Our maps are available in three types:
Blank: a map without names, containing only the borders of countries
Standard: a map contains country names and additional details (oceans, planes, a compass)
Premium: a map contains country names and additional details

Our main priority is excellent quality in every detail. We are constantly improving for our customers.